Friday, August 27, 2010

I Can't Quite Put My Finger on That Feeling...

I lived in Florida for only a year, but sometimes I feel homesick for the Sunshine State. Even on the days where dark clouds are hovering in the distance, there's a bit of sun peeking through the murk.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting Back on Track

This training cycle for my December marathon affair has already encountered a mini-bump of sorts. After my speed workout on Wednesday afternoon, I started feeling tired and achy all over, as if I was on the verge of a flu. Even my husband noticed that my body temperature seemed to be pretty hot. It remained so until Friday, when I decided to investigate why only the left side of my throat felt sore. I took a look, and I discovered something new: tonsil stones. So if you're a little squeamish, I advise you to skip this paragraph. Basically, it's a small lump that collects in the back of your throat, and it can sometimes cause irritation, including swelling. With me, apparently, it was also inducing flu-like symptoms because once I took two of these stones out, I almost immediately began feeling better.

My planned long run on Saturday got curtailed to 3000m on the rowing machine, and 2 miles on the treadmill. Not bad, actually, considering I'd also spent the first half of the day outside at an event, in really hot temps, walking around with bags. For some reason, those kinds of activities (low-key but lengthy in time) just leave me feeling really beat up. Maybe the free spareribs that I ate yesterday morning while at the fair made things seem easier than they were, who knows.

Alrighty, with that, I hope to kick things off tomorrow with a 6-mile loop around Ft. Leavenworth. It'll be the same hilly route that I'll have to take for the Great Escape 10K later this month - hope I make it in under an hour!