Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So... why did I even bother doing this?

Let me introduce myself. I'm 31, originally from New York City, and a novice at running and anything fitness-related. I actually started to get into shape the winter of 2006 - that's when I was depressed enough with my skinny-fat figure to haul myself to the nearest gym, and met with a trainer. Looking back it seems very quaint and silly (my plan was very much grounded in those circuit machines and the elliptical), but it was the first official step I'd taken to carving a real physique, not to mention a healthier outlook. In approximately 5 months, I whittled down my body fat percentage from a whopping 34% to 25%. Nowadays, I estimate I'm somewhere in the 20%-22% range.

So just two and a half years later, I'm still muddling my way through this fitness thing. I'll freely admit don't know much more than when I initially started. There's also a lot of white noise in the physical fitness sphere, so can be frustrating figuring out which protocols to follow, what foods and supplements to take, blah, blah, blah. 

My most recent endeavor has been to start training for a half-marathon. I am entering the Half Marathon of the Palm Beaches in December, and in the meantime plan on participating various 5Ks to get into the race mindset. My ultimate grand ambition is to run a full-on marathon, and a dream I harbor is to be in the New York City ING Marathon. This will be my chronicle of the highs and lows of HM training, and of generally trying to stay in shape. 

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